sabato 27 febbraio 2016

34 - Walking in the woods

Ah, the day when we brought Lily to the mountains for the first time ...oh, sure we had fun! It was great. And we have also seen the squirrels!

 Ah, il giorno in cui abbiamo portato Lily in  montagna per la prima volta... quanto ci siamo divertiti! È stato fantastico. E abbiamo pure visto gli scoiattoli!

BONUS (photos+video!):
1. Traveling by car!

2. Walking in the woods (at the leash):
3. And now without leash! (look at the video ;) )

4. Lily found a good mushroom!
5. Watching the squirrels...
6. It's the sunset... time to returning home!

lunedì 22 febbraio 2016

33 - The training

Vitali was the "genius cat" of the house, so we were very focused on his education and very little on that of his sister Lily, because he learned faster. At his death, however, Lily has made the commitment ... and learned everything.


Vitali era il "gatto genio" di casa, perciò ci eravamo concentrati molto sulla sua educazione e poco su quella di sua sorella Lily, perchè lui apprendeva più in fretta. Alla sua morte, però, Lily si è messa d'impegno... e ha imparato tutto.


Lily practicing at the leash!

domenica 14 febbraio 2016

Lily and Bobby - St. Valentine special

This is a true story. The story of Lily, our cat (that casually is also the protagonist of Two Red Cats ), that is best friend with Bobby, a maremma sheepdog.
A week ago, we thought that we lost Lily! She wasn't in her kennel, she wasn't with Stelvio or with her lover Adone! Where she was? We searched for her everywhere, even in the graveyard (yes, we're near the graveyard...) but in the end she was with the neighbour's dog, Bobby, her favorite animal in the entire world!

We thought that telling this story in the day of St. Valentine could be a good idea!

giovedì 11 febbraio 2016

32 - Olives time!

 In the period of the olive harvest, in Calabria, it is custom to cover the ground with a lot of nets, usually of color green or red, with which the workers will collect the olives (dropped from ancient trees) when they're mature.
Even in the piece of land where Lily lives, the same thing happened, and she enjoys a lot to get under the nets and crawl! She also has become friend with the workers, that little sly cat!

Nel periodo della raccolta delle olive, in Calabria c'è l'usanza di ricoprire il terreno con fitte reti, generalmente di colore verde o rosso, con cui si raccoglieranno le olive (cadute da alberi secolari) mature.
Anche nel pezzo di terra dove vive Lily è accaduta la stessa cosa, e lei si diverte un mondo a infilarsi sotto le reti e strisciare! Inoltre ha fatto amicizia con gli operai, quella furbetta!

 BONUS: Gatti e reti/Cats and nets! 

 ...and a lamb!


lunedì 8 febbraio 2016

31 - The tame cat

 Immediately after the death of Vitali, which of the two cats was the most gentle and tame, Lily has suddenly become cuddly. Too bad that in the beginning was not very good in the matter of cuddles and kneaded on our legs with unsheathed claws!


Subito dopo la morte di Vitali, che dei due gatti era il più dolce e mansueto, Lily è diventata improvvisamente coccolona. Peccato che all'inizio non fosse molto brava nella materia coccole e facesse la pasta sulle nostre gambe con gli artigli sguainati!

mercoledì 3 febbraio 2016

30 - The mesmerizing paws


 When Lily is picked her up and held by the scruff of the neck, she completely relaxes and begins to move his paws in slow circles in the air, as if she were kneading. We call this " the mesmerizing paws"
Quando Lily viene presa in braccio e tenuta dalla collottola, si rilassa completamente e inizia a muovere le zampe in lenti cerchi nell'aria, come se facesse la pasta. Noi le chiamiamo "le zampine mesmerizzanti"

 EXTRA: a video demonstration of the mesmerizing paws!