domenica 27 marzo 2016

41 - Stelvio vs Gatto


Stelvio has never loved the poor Gatto and hissed every time he saw him, and no one has ever understood why, since Gatto seemed so good and sincerely kind to him.


Stelvio non ha mai amato molto il povero Gatto... soffiava ogni volta che lo vedeva e nessuno ha mai capito perchè, visto che Gatto sembrava così buono e gentile con lui.

domenica 20 marzo 2016

Follow us on facebook!

If you already know them... it's time for you to go and "like" the facebook page, also because every day we'll post a new photo of the kittens, yay!
So, what are you waiting?
Go and follow their little paws...


venerdì 18 marzo 2016

40 - Good manners


 Vitali was an incredibly polite and elegant cat when he ate, stylish and never noisy. Well, Lily and Stelvio are not.


Vitali era un gatto incredibilmente educato e signorile quando mangiava, elegante e mai rumoroso. Beh, Lily e Stelvio non sono così.


Feeties in the plate! Yay!

And Stelvio that have the habit of raise the pot when he eats.

lunedì 14 marzo 2016

39 - Our favorite cat


Quando Stelvio arrivò, Lily era gelosissima, voleva essere coccolata sempre. Una cosa pero è certa: Lily è la nostra favorita. E forse lo sarà per sempre.


When Stelvio arrived, Lily was so jealous! She wanted to be cuddle everytime.
But only one thing is sure: Lily is our favorite cat. And she will be forever. Forever.

lunedì 7 marzo 2016

38 - Stelvio (part 3)

At the beginning, Lily was quite perplexed about the little newcomer and looked at him as if that was not really a real cat and Stelvio was a small thing (and a coward small thing) that walked no more than two meters away from his little kennel, while Lily, when she had his age,  wanted to explore everything and always jumped around! He meowed. And just, he did nothing. He wobbled a bit, but no more.


At the beginning, Lily was quite perplexed about the little newcomer and looked at him as if that was not really a real cat and Stelvio was a small thing (and a coward small thing) that walked no more than two meters away from his little kennel, while Lily, when she had his age,  wanted to explore everything and always jumped around! He meowed. And just, he did nothing. He wobbled a bit, but no more.

venerdì 4 marzo 2016

37 - Stelvio (part 2)

Those who you are reading are the exact words that my father said when we presented Stelvio to him. In practice, he immediately accepted immediately the little ginger kitty as our new cat, and put between his paws a whole fish. So, as a welcome.

Quelle che leggete sono le esatte parole che mio padre ha usato quando gli abbiamo presentato Stelvio. In pratica, l'ha accettato subito subito come nuovo gatto e gli ha ficcato fra le zampine un pesce intero. Così, come benvenuto.

giovedì 3 marzo 2016

36 - Stelvio (part 1)

Now begins the "second part" of Two Red Cats, where we leave the adventures of Lily and Vitali... to begin those of Lily and Stelvio! Keep calm, the ghost/angel Vitali will not be set aside;)
Anyway, that's how we found Stelvio: three or four days after the death of Vitali, as a kind of miracle, came the call of our neighbor Annarita (who is also the owner of Mio), who knew that we were looking for a new kitten. And she had just found, in the engine of her van, another red cat! Amazing coincidence, however, that allowed us to provide a new company to Lily!
And then you have seen the new header? Cool, right?
Inizia adesso la "seconda parte" di Two Red Cats, in cui passiamo dalle avventure di Lily e Vitali a... quelle di Lily e Stelvio! Tranquilli, il fantasma/angioletto di Vitali non verrà accantonato ;)
In ogni caso, è così che abbiamo trovato Stelvio: tre o quattro giorni dopo la morte di Vitali, come una sorta di miracolo, è arrivata la chiamata della nostra vicina di campagna Annarita (padroncina del gatto Mio), che sapeva che eravamo in cerca di un nuovo gattino. E lei aveva appena trovato, nel motore del suo furgoncino, proprio un altro gatto rosso! Coincidenza incredibile, che ci ha permesso però di fornire una nuova compagnia a Lily!
E poi avete visto il nuovo header? Figo, vero?


Bonus: This is Stelvio just come out from the engine, all dirty and absolutely a small and thin XD

And this is Mio!

martedì 1 marzo 2016

35 - Fight!

It is not my fault that as in every cliché clash worthy of respect, the greatest enemy of the protagonist has hair black like the night without moon. It is not my fault that Lily has won the challenge, if she chased forever Disgrace (random name with which we decided to call the black cat, rest assured, we like a lot even blacks cats!): we have not seen her for months in Lily's territory, after the fight.
And I know this is cliché too, but Lily got a very cool scar on his nose from this fight.


Non è colpa mia se come in ogni scontro cliché che si rispetti, la più grande nemica della protagonista ha il pelo nero come la notte. E non è colpa mia se Lily ha stra-vinto la sfida, se ha cacciato per sempre Disgrazia (nome a caso con cui abbiamo deciso di chiamarla, tranquilli, ci piacciono un sacco anche i gatti neri!) per cui non la vedo da mesi in campagna.
E lo so che è clichè anche questo, ma da questo scontro Lily ha ottenuto una fighissima cicatrice sul naso.