Stelvio, after becoming friend with Mio, started to do everything with just one movement: he asks for food swinging the paw, he seek attention from other cats swinging the paw, he defends himself swinging the paw and he even tries to catch his prey swinging the paw.
Stelvio, after becoming friend with Mio, started to do everything with just one movement: he asks for food swinging the paw, he seek attention from other cats swinging the paw, he defends himself swinging the paw and he even tries to catch his prey swinging the paw.
Stelvio fa tutto con un solo
tipo di movimento: si difende muovendo la zampina, comunica muovendo la
zampina, attira l'attenzione degli altri gatti muovendo la zampina e
invece di buttarsi sulle prede, le colpisce con la zampina.
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